Song of Life – Oregon

The sun shines brightly upon puffs of clouds that gather like herds grazing In a pasture of baby blue. The larger clusters gather round the abundant hills as cows will to water and shade on a very warm day. 

One mountain with its ancient, snowy top, lofts high above the others.  The biggest group of clouds packed closely near it as if to dwell in its comforting coolness. Another mountain with his roll and tuck carpet of evergreen trees, shows smattering of snow on the shoulders of its not too shallow cliffs as if to reveal the great rock’s coming of age and dignity. Tiny chiclets trickle blindly down the slopes through leaves and grass unseen until they reach the larger veins of creek beds which plunge more wildly down to the  gentler valleys where with murmuring song  they give up their burden freely to the greater river below.

The river hurries silently along, building to a steady rush of white noise that rises into a crescendo among the rocky rapids and waterfalls, ever moving towards a destination yet unseen.

This is a work in progress – DW

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